Cast Iron Valves

Maran e Peracini

We are a family-run business producing over the last 50 years exclusively in Italy

cast iron gate valves, check valves, foot valves and strainers for the international market. 


Our aim is to provide a highly accurate reliable and long-lasting product

building long-term trusted relationships with our clients.

Maran e Peracini

We have achieved important results also thanks to the relationship we have been able to create with the territory in which we operate, strong in unique riches in terms of industrial and artisan traditions, skills and work commitment and, last but not least, the ability to take risks and undertake, expression of a forward-looking and resilient entrepreneurship. This marked vocation to the common good is also the product of our culture. A special relationship with our employees, a direct relationship with the territory and the protection of its natural environment allow us to create special products.


Last updates from Maran e Peracini cast iron valves world !

Maran e Peracini S.r.l.

Via Valduggia, 25

13011 Borgosesia (VC) Italia

P.I. e C.F. : IT00165020025

REA : VC - 82897

Maran e Peracini S.r.l.


Tel. : +39 016326757


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